Le Bot 5.2

wah wah wah, kyknya versi 5.2 udah keluar nih.. pada ga sabar ya pgn tau apaan aja perubahannya? langsung aja deh..!! cekidot

Version 5.2 - 9/12/2012:
§  Fixed the disconnections;
§  Re-coded the skills;
§  Fixed the auto-relogin;
§  Re-added the Combat Trphies bot;
§  You can now save your bots as usual.

Version 5.1 - 6/12/2012:
§  Re-coded all bots;
§  More than 15 bugs fixed;
§  Fixed Auto-relogin;
§  Removed bugged/non-functional bots. They will return once I fix them;
§  Completely redesigned interface;
§  Multilanguage support increased: English, Spanish and Portuguese;
§  Included easy hotkeys forr all of the main functions;
§  Tweaked some class skills;

buat yang kurang ngerti bisa langsung ke sini atau di pojok kanan atas diaktifin aja gadgetnya ya ;)

Big Thx for Le Bot maker JamesR's

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