Cheat Engine 6.2

Karena Le Bot 4.1 blum keluar keluar juga, ane bosen nunggunya >,< yaudah ane bikin aja nih artikel tentang Cheat Engine, supaya yang merasa kinerja Cheat Engine yang sebelum sebelumnya udah berkurang, nih ada yang baru Cheat Engine 6.2, buat yang udah gasabar langsung aja CEKIDOT!


  • Fixed the first plugin from not getting activated at restart Custom types can now do an unknown initial value scan 
  • Fixed the auto assembler highlighter from hiding some text while typing 
  • Fixed the auto assembler highlighter from not showing hexadecimal values as hex starting with A to F 
  • Fixed global debug from crashing in 64-bit (with dbvm) 
  • Fixed dbvm from not working on several systems (freeze) 
  • Fixed notification when closing and you had some changes 
  • Fixed the rescan of the structure spider not working at all 
  • Fixed several disassembler and assembler instructions 
  • Fixed several plugin-system related bugs 
  • Fixed aobscan for 64-bit 
  • Fixed displaying the registers in 64-bit when using "find what xxx this address" 
  • Fixed the stackview when single stepping through the code 
  • Fixed several lua function, including createhotkey 
  • Fixed the assembler not dealing well with names with a - in it. (like the tutorial)

#NB: buat yang ga ngerti disamping kanan atas ada widget translate, pake aja ^_^

Thx for coming, see you later J

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