Version 3.7-24/07/2012:
- Added the Bot Manager;
- Fixed VoT class bug;
- Added Dage & Nulgath Approval bots.
- Added auto pickup for TheWicked and Vamp Blade;
- Added non-member Escherion’s Helm bot;
- (?) fixed problems with Spirit Orbs bot.
- Added the following classes: DeathKnight, DarkSide, Blood Ancient, Skyguard Grenadier, Pyromancer, UndeadSlayer, StarLord, Chaos Shaper, Chronomancer;
- Fixed the Dage Evil War bot;
- added Member Totems of Nulgath bot.
- Added a shop Loader;
- Updated the Evil War bots;
- (?)Fixed strange CardClasher behavior;
- Fixed the Banished XP&Gold bot.
Big Thx for JamesR's . Big Thx juga buat yang udah visit Blog ane
Jangan lupa di follow + comment (newbie msh butuh kritik dan saran >,<) ya
Gan kok gg bisa, di bawah ada tulisan label
BalasHapusTolong jawab gan
wah coba download yang terbaru gan
BalasHapussory lama bales ^_^